nie aku bru dpt Dri kwn... korng cuba la test... bess tau...
so, sape Yg leh baca tu memng genius la... aku tabik ahh.. hehehe..
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Details on the life as a Chemical Engineering Student
Bonjour De Paris
Have a Nice Day
Just to Improve myself by accepting people's opinion
wan lambat.. dah lama bnda nieh actually.. xpe2.. better late than never.. update la sll!!
hahaha... mls nak updte sgt la.. wan bru je jmpe.. xpelah... asalkn ade gak yg baca... hahah
kalo wan genius ngat, ape die jaoh di mata, dekat di hati??
jantung la... xnmpk kat mata... tp dkt sgt kat hati... hahaha
skali btol daa..sah ar genius..ah, xleh jdik nih..ibu siapekah jln melompat??